Penulis / NIM
RENALDI NENTO / 151418174
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Dr. GAMAR ABDULLAH, S.Si., M.Pd / 0025128202
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
Dr. ISNANTO, S.Pd., M.Ed / 0010078009
Rumusan Masalah Dalam Penelitian ini adalah bagaimana deskripsi hasil belajar siswa pada pembelajaran daring dan luring muatan pembelajarana IPA di SDN 2 Telaga Jaya? Jenis penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan meliputi obeservasi, wawancara, dokumentasi. Dari hasil wawancara dapat diketahui bahwa hasil belajar siswa pembelajaran daring dan luring muatan pembelajaran IPA menunjukkan peningkatan yaitu dengan adanya hasil belajar kelas IV pada semester ganjil dan genap hal ini di nyatakan dengan hasil wawancara siswa bahwa pada beberapa materi yang dikirim guru lewat daring dan diberikan penugasan siswa banyak dibantu oleh orang tua di rumah. Dari semester I rata-rata hasil nilai siswa kelas IV 71% dan pada semester II rata-rata hasil nilai siswa kelas IV 74% maka mengalami peningkatan semester I ke semester II sebaliknya hasil nilai siswa kelas V semester I rata-rata 78% dan pada semester II rata-rata hasil nilai siswa 83% maka mengalami peningkatan dari semester I ke Semester II. Begitupula nilau hasil siswa kelas VI semester I rata-rata nilai 81% dan pada semester II rata-rata nilai siswa 82,43% dalam hal ini dapat disimpulkan ada perubahan terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada semester I dan II sesuai dengan hasil wawancara hasil belajar siswa pembelajaran daring dan luring pada muatan pembelajaran IPA di SDN 2Telaga Jaya. Kata kunci: Hasil Belajar, Pembelajaran Daring dan Luring, IPA. The research problem in this study was how is the description of student learning outcomes, both online and offline learning on natural science learning at SDN 2 Telaga Jaya? This research used a qualitative approach wiht observation, interview, and documentation as instruments in collecting the data. Based on the interview results, students' learning outcomes in online and offline learning on natural science have shown an increase in grade IV of odd and even semesters. Moreover, parents often help their children with assignment given by teachers online. From the first semester, the average grade IV students' score was 71%; in the second semester, the score increased to 74%. Thus an, increase occurred from the first to the second semesters. On the other hand, the resulth of grade V students in the frist semester have an average score of 78%; in the second semester, the average student score was 83%. It increased from the first to the second semester. Likewise, the grade VI students' scores in the first semester have an average score of 82,81%; in the second semester, the average score was 82,43% Therefore, it can be concluded that there was a change in student learning outcomes in the first and second semesters in which the results were based on the interview data collected at SDN 2 Telaga Jaya during online and offline learning of natural science. Keywords: Learning outcomes, Online and offline learning, Natural science
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