Penulis / NIM
SUNARTO / 211408036
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Prof. Dr. ARIFIN TAHIR, M.Si / 0026085605
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
Drs. RUSLI ISA, M.Si / 0006076604
ABSTRACT Sunarto. 2012. Thesis. The Influence of Learning Media toward Students Learning Motivation on Integrated Social Science Subject (a study in VII classes of SMP Negeri 4 Wonosari of Boalemo District of Gorontalo Province). Study Program of Offices Economics Education, Department of Economics of Education, Faculty of Economics and Business, State University of Gorontalo. Supervisor: Dr. Arifin Tahir, M.Si; Co-Supervisor: Drs. Rusli Isa, M.Si. The problem formulation is how much the influence of learning media toward students learning motivation on integrated social science subject in VII classes of SMP Negeri 4 Wonosari of Boalemo District? The study aims to know how much the influence of learning media toward students learning motivation on integrated social science subject in VII classes of SMP Negeri 4 Wonosari of Boalemo District. This study used quantitative research methods. This method measures the effect of the use of instructional media of LCD on students’ learning motivation. Research results through statistical tests by using the regression formula: ? = a + bX obtained regression equation ? = 21.17 + 0.57X. This means that every increase of a unit of the variable use of instructional media of LCD, it will be followed by the addition of 0.57 units on students’ learning motivation variables. Research data collection begins with tests on 66 students, VII 1 class consists of 23 students, VII 2 class consists of 21 students, and VII 3 class consists of 22 students. The trial results were used to test the validity and reliability. Validation tests were tested using product moment correlation formula, so the validity coefficient and status for every question of matter. From the results of statistical analysis using t test, obtained a overview of the influence of instructional media of LCD toward students’ learning motivation, i.e., t count (8.08) is greater than t list (2.66). Based on these studies, it can be concluded that the hypothesis Ho rejected and Ha accepted, stating there is a positive and significant correlation between the use of instructional media of LCD toward students’ learning motivation in VII classes of SMP Negeri 4 Wonosari of Boalemo District. Keywords: the used of learning media and students’ learning motivation
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