Penulis / NIM
SUSANTI HATIKA / 291410028
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
ZULAEHA LAISA, S.Sos,M.Si / 0014127303
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
SUMARJO, S.Pd., M.Si / 0009067607
ABSTRAK Susanti Hatika. 2015. Kemampuan Komunikasi Guru dalam proses Belajar mengajar Siswa Tunanetra di SDLB Negeri Kota Gorontalo. Skripsi, Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial, Universitas Negeri Kota Gorontalo. Pembimbing I, Zulaeha Laisa, Pembimbing II, Sumarjo. Komunikasi pendidikan merupakan suatu tindakan yang memberikan kontribusi yang sangat penting dalam pemahaman dan praktik interaksi serta, tindakan seluruh individu yang terlihat dalam dunia pendidikan, terutama dalam mendidik anak yang berkebutuhan khusus diantaranya anak tunanetra. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Kemampuan Komunikasi Guru Dalam Proses Belajar Mengajar Pada Siswa Tunanetra di SDLB Negeri Kota Gorontalo. Adapun subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah empat guru yang aktif mengajar di Kelas VI siswa tunanetra dan satu orang siswa tunanetra di Sekolah Dasar Luar Biasa Negeri Kota Gorontalo. Metode kualitatif Studi kasus, Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan atau menggambarkan realitas kemampuan komunikasi guru dengan melakukan pengamatan secara langsung di lokasi penelitian, dengan prosedur pengumpulan data Observasi, wawancara, dan Analisis dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1). Kemampuan komunikasi guru SDLB Negeri Kota Gorontalo terhadap siswa tunanetra cukup baik. Peneliti mengukur berdasarkan keterampilan komunikasi, dan evaluasi. (2). Strategi komunikasi yang digunakan untuk mengajar siswa tunanetra di SDLB Negeri Kota Gorontalo adalah: kompetensi, pendekatan komunikasi efektif metode belajar dan media. Kesimpulan, dengan adanya penerapan keterampilan komunikasi guru dan strategi komunikasi dalam mengajar sehingga, dapat disimpulkan bahwa guru siswa tunanetra mampu menyampaikan pesan materi pelajaran dengan baik, dalam arti dapat dipahami oleh siswa tunanetra. Kata Kunci: Kemampuan Komunikasi, Guru SDLB, Siswa Tunanetra ABSTRACT Susanti Hatika. 2015. Communication skills of teachers in the teaching and learning of students who are blind in Gorontalo City Country SDLB. Thesis Communication Studies, Courses, Faculty Of Social Sciences, State University Of The City Of Gorontalo. Supervisor I, Laisa Zulaeha, Supervisor II, Sumarjo. Education is an act of communication that provides a very important contribution to the understanding and practice of interaction as well as the actions of individuals, which are visible in the world of education, particularly in educating children in need of special such as children who are blind. The purpose of this research is to know the communication abilities of teachers in the process of teaching and learning in students who are blind in Gorontalo City Country SDLB. As for the subjects in the study were four active teachers who teach in class VI students who are blind and visually impaired students at one elementary school Outstanding Country town of Gorontalo. Methods of qualitative case studies, these studies describe or depict the reality of communication abilities of teachers by doing observation directly on site research, Observational data collection procedures, interviews and documentary Analysis. The results showed that: (1). Communication Skills teacher SDLB. land of the blind students of Gorontalo City is good enough. Researchers measured based on communication skills, and evaluation. (2). Communication strategies used to teach blind students in the country SDLB the city of Gorontalo are: competence, effective communication approaches of learning methods and media.The conclusion, with the application of teacher's communication skills and communication strategy in teaching so that, it can be concluded that teachers are the students who are blind are able to convey the message the subject matter very well, in a sense can be understood by students who are blind. Keywords: Communication Skills, Teacher SDLB, Students Who Are Blind
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