Penulis / NIM
NITA ARSYAD / 321406008
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Prof. Dr. MOON HIDAYATI OTOLUWA, M.Hum / 0002095910
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
Nita Arsyad (2013) The influence of Facebook as media to improve students’ writing ability (the research was conducted at tenth grade students in MA. Nurul Yaqin Kota Gorontalo).
Based on previous title, this research is aimed to find out whether Facebook as media is influenced to improve students’ writing ability or not. Reason for choosing the topic is to introduce new learning media namely facebook for teaching writing. The research take students at tenth grade in MA Nurul Yaqin Kota Gorontalo for being the research sample. in collecting the data, the writer use test in essay form as instrument. Students are asked to write a short essay by choosing certain topics. Then, students’ result are analyzed by using rubric of scoring writing. Further, the data are analyze by normality analyzing and testing hypothesis. Firstly in normality analysis, the data both pre-test and post-test are distrubuted in normality table and taking the highest score as t-count value. In this case t-count in pre-test is 0,0050 and normality at post test is -0, 1191 with t-table is 0, 173. Therefore, both of the data are norma distributed. Secondly, in analysing the hypothesis the writer found that t-count is -9, 33 and t-table 2, 05. Because -9, 33 ? 2, 05 or t-count ? t-table, thus it can be conclude that the hypothesis is accepted and facebook is influenced towards students’ writing ability.
Key words: facebook, media, writing.
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