Penulis / NIM
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Prof. Dr. HASANUDDIN, M.Hum / 0031126374
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
HELENA BADU, S.Pd., M.Pd / 0027048401
Rambe, Claudia Afriani. 2012. Skripsi. “The Application of Inquiry
Strategy to Improve Students’ Ability in Reading Skill”. (The Experimental
Research at Eighth Grade students’ of SMPN 1 Gorontalo in Academic years
In conducting in this research, I want to find out whether the Inquiry
Strategy can improve students’ ability in reading skill or not. The population of
this research is the eighth grade of SMPN 1 Gorontalo. There are 23 students of
VIII2 as experiment class and 23 students of VIII3 as control class which is
random sample technique. I was use quantitative method and I applied experiment
research. The researcher use posttest-only design. Data was collecting from
reading test namely multiple choices which consist of 30 items that refers to 5
indicators in reading: main idea, synonym-antonym of the word, specific
information, implied the meaning and inference of the text.
In analyzing the data, I use normality analysis and hypothesis
verification. Based on the result of testing the normality of the data, the research
found that data is normal distribution. The hypothesis is tested by using t-test
formula. The criteria used to verify the hypothesis is Ho is tenable if tcount is less
that t list (tcount < tlist). In this case, the research found that the tcount (4,97), while tlist
(1,682) with the level significant ? = 0,05. The degree freedom (df) = 23+23-2=
44 is 1,682. It means that, the hypothesis is tenable. So, the Inquiry Strategy can
improve students’ ability in reading skill. I suggest fo the next researcher, the
applying of Inquiry Strategy to improve speaking on student’s ability.
Key words: inquiry strategy, reading skill
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