Penulis / NIM
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Dr. HARTO MALIK, M.Hum / 0004106604
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
ROSMA KADIR, S.Pd, MA / 0019028002
Nurma Rifatun Paneo (2013): “An Analysis on Racism in Langston Hughes’ Poems”.
This research deals with literary field. Problem statement in here is How racism portrayed in Langston Hughes’s Poems.The data are taken from Langston Hughes poem in E-book Langston Hughes Poem. The objective of this research is to describe racism that portrayed in Langston Hughes’ poems. In this research I use descriptive qualitative method. The first technique of data analysis is data reduction means read some poems of Langston Hughes. Second is data display in this case begun to analyze poems. The last is verification data means explanation of racism that portrayed in Langston Hughes’ poems. The result of this research shows that in six poems that I analyze, have contained with racism as individual prejudice, individual discrimination, institutional policies, and institutional practice or discrimination. Racism that mostly used in Langston Hughes is Individual Prejudice and Individual Discrimination. There are 5 poems that include in individual prejudice and individual discrimination. There is just 1 poem that used institutional policy and institutional practice. Those six poems of Hughes literary portrayed experience/ and feeling of Hughes and other black people towards racism in America.
Keywords: Racism, Poems, Langston Hughes
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