Penulis / NIM
SRIMARTIWI K. JAKI / 321408111
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Dra ELSJE L SAMBOUW, M.Hum / 0005046010
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
YUNITA HATIBIE, S.Pd, M.Pd / 0022027805
Srimartiwi K. Djaki 2016."Students' Perception in Learning English Vocabulary by Using Short Stories.( Survey research conducted in second grade of SMPN II Satap Asparaga)". English Department, Letter and Culture faculty,Gorontalo State Univercity.
Priciple Supervisor : Dra.Elsje L. Sambouw, M.Hum
Co. Supervisor : Yunita Hatibie, S.Pd, M.Pd
The research conducted to describe students' perception in learning English Vocabulary by using short story. The problem statement is " what are the students' perception in learning English vocabulary by using short story?" the significant of this research is described students' perception in learning English vocabulary by using short story.
Methodology on this research was Qualitative descriptive used survey Method. The partisipants of this research was students at class VIII A and class VIII B consist in 50 students divided in class VIIIA (24 students) and class VIIIB (17 students) at SMP N II SATAP ASPARAGA.The instrument of this research is questionare involves the statement about students' perception in learning English Vocabulary by using short story.
The research conclude that the students agree to teacher in teaching English by using short story. It can be seem on students' result.
Therefore, the researcher suggested to English teacher that to see the students' needs during teaching and learning process. In orther to, students can be progress their mind in learning English espesially in mastering vocabulary on the reading text.
Keywords: short story and English Vocabulary
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