Penulis / NIM
SUSI SANTRI S. LEMU / 321408115
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Prof. Dr. MOON HIDAYATI OTOLUWA, M.Hum / 0002095910
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
Susi Santri S. Lemu. 2013. Skripsi. “ The Influence of Realia towards Students’ Learning Achievement in Reading Short Functional Texts”. (The research conducted at VIII 1 Students in SMP Negeri 1 Asparaga)
The objective of this research is to find out whether the using of realia can influence students’ learning achievement in reading short functional text or not. The population of this research is taken from the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Asparaga and the sample of this research is class VIII 1. The sample consists of 20 students. The method of this research is quantitative method and I applied quasi experimental research by using one group pre-test and post test design. The data was collected from reading multiple choices. Test which consists of 30 items refers to 3 indicators of short functional texts types: short message, invitation letter and announcement.
In analyzing the data, I use normality analysis and hypothesis verification. Based on the result of testing the normality data, I found that the data was normal distributed. The hypothesis was tested by using t-test formula. The criteria used to verify the hypothesis is H1 is tenable if tcount more than tlist (tcount > tlist). In this case, I found that the tcount (6.68), while tlist (2.024) with the level of significant ? = 0.05. The degree freedom (df) = 20+20-2= 38 is 2.024. It means that, the hypothesis is tenable. So, the using of realia can influence students’ learning achievement in reading short functional texts.
Key Words: Realia, Students’ Learning Achievement, Reading Short Functional Texts
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