ABSTRACTBuhohang Farel, 2013. “Contrastive Analysis of Kaidipang and English Phonology” (a research conducted at Kecamatan Kaidipang Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Utara). Principal Supervisor is Muh. Syamsurizal, SS, M.Pd and co-Supervisor is Sri Widyarti Ali, S.Pd, M.Hum.This research was aimed to find out the contrastive (similarities and differences) of Kaidipang and English phonology especially about segmental phoneme. This was a qualitative research. In this research, the researcher used the theory of phonology, contrastive analysis, phoneme, and segmental phoneme. In methodology of research, the researcher used ethnography in order to identify a characteristic of a society. In colleting the data, the research used three kinds or techniques in qualitative research such as observation, interview, and documentation. The research findings and results showed that there were differences and similarities about phonology especially segmental phoneme. The researcher found that both languages had similarities and differences. Kaidipang language and English were similar because some phonemes such as [a], [I], [], [], [], [I], [Ia], [I], [I], [], [a], and [aI] are found in both languages. The researcher also found the consonants such as [m], [b], [p], [t], [d], [g], [s], [m], [n], [l], [w], [h] and [] in both language. Kaidipang language and English were different in terms of phonemes in each language. English phoneme was had more phonemes than phoneme in Kaidipang language because some phonemes such as [], [], [æ], [], [ð], [], [θ], [], [], and [] were unavailable in Kaidipang language.The researcher concluded that for the native speaker of Kaidipang language who wanted to learn about English, the learner should study hard because when a native speaker of Kaidipang language wanted to learn about English, the learner will find some new phonemes that are unusual in Kaidipang language.Key Words: Contrastive Analysis, Kaidipang, Segmental Phoneme.