Penulis / NIM
DAVID R IGIRISA / 321409029
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Dr. HARTO MALIK, M.Hum / 0004106604
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
SRI WIDYARTI ALI, S.Pd, M.Hum / 0006098201
David R Igirisa. 2015. Simile on Robert Frost's Poems. English Department, Faculty of Letters and Culture. State University of Gorontalo. The principal supervisor was Dr. H. Harto Malik, M.Hum and The co-supervisor was Sri Widyarti Ali, S.Pd, M.Hum.
The aim of this research is to describe simile that is reflected in Robert Frost's Poem. Methodologically, this single research is analyzed by using structural analysis. Structurally, the researcher implied the rule of simile such as tenor (T), vehicle (V), ground (G), and simile marker (SM) as the basic of research analysis. This research is interpreted based on simile rule as being presented in Fishlov theory by using four structural and semantically elements: (T) tenor, (V) vehicle, the simile marker (SM), ground (G), and (TP) topic. In this research, limited on 10 poems, by considering the use of simile inside.
In the result of this research, the researcher found there are four simile categories that have been found in the poems. They are like, as,, and as if. In the use of simile "like", the researcher found it is used in the poems, such as A Late Walk, Gathering Leaves, Neither Out far Nor in Deep, Going for Water, and A Prayer in Spring. Meanwhile, in the use of simile "as", the researcher found it has been used in the three poems, such as A Prayer in Spring, Rose Pogonias, and Demiurge's Laugh. Then, the use of simile "", it is found in Ghost House and Stars poems. The use of simile "as if", it is found in Going for Water and A Patch of Old Snow poems.
The conclusion is there are four simile categories that have been found in the poems. They are like, as,, and as if. In the use of simile "like", the researcher found it is used in the poems, such as A Late Walk, Gathering Leaves, Neither Out far Nor in Deep, Going for Water, and A Prayer in Spring. Meanwhile, in the use of simile "as", the researcher found it has been used in the three poems, such as A Prayer in Spring, Rose Pogonias, and Demiurge's Laugh. Then, the use of simile "", it is found in Ghost House and Stars poems. Next, the use of simile "as if", it is found in Going for Water and A Patch of Old Snow poems.
Keyword: Robert Frost's Poems, Simile, Structural Analysis.
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