Penulis / NIM
DWI ASTINI ILMAN / 321409051
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Prof. Dr. HASANUDDIN, M.Hum / 0031126374
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
INDRI WIRAHMI BAY, S.Pd, M.A / 0020088002
Dwi Astini Ilman (2013) A Contrastive Analysis between English and Buginese Assimilation
This study aimed to present the differences and similarities of English and Buginese Assimilation. Contrastive analysis was done in this study to find out the differences and similarities of assimilation in English and Buginese. Then, the data collected by recording the native speaker of Buginese and also the native speaker of English. All the findings were analyzed by contrastive analysis that is selecting, contrasting and describing.
The result of this research indicated that the contrastive analysis is a right technique to find out the similarities and differences between two languages. Moreover, the research finding showed that English and Buginese have differences and similarities especially in assimilation. Their similarities are both of languages have assimilation of place and also assimilation of manner. The differences between English and Buginese are the changed sound of English assimilation generally are the alveolar stop sound but in buginese the changed sound is only velar nasal sound that is /?/ sound. The new sound in English assimilatin can be a same sound and also the different sound with the followed sound contras with Buginese that generally new sound is a same sound with the followed sound. In Buginese, there is a situation where the new sound combines with the followed sound and makes another new sound but in English this situation is impossible. The last different is in English, an assimilation is only happen in one sound but in Buginese one sound can be categorized as assimilation of place and also assimilation of manner. Therefore, buginese students will ease to learn assimilation because they can recognize the differences and similarities between both English and Buginese assimilation.
Keywords: Contrastive Analysis, English and Buginese, Assimilation
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