Penulis / NIM
YULIANTI DJIBU / 321409076
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Dr. SYARIFUDDIN AHMAD, M.Pd / 0031036205
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
Yulianti Djibu (2013) A Contrastive Analysis between Gorontalo Language and English Indirect Speech
This study aimed to present the differences and similarities of Gorontalo language and English indirect speech. Contrastive analysis was done in this study to find out the differences and similarities between Gorontalo language and English indirect speech. The data were collected by interviewing some informants of Gorontalo and reading some books of English and Gorontalo language. There are eight participants in this research. All the finding was analyzed through contrastive analysis by selecting, contrasting, describing and predicting. The result of this study indicated Gorontalo language and English had differences and similarities especially in indirect speech. The similarities were both Gorontalo language and English indirect speech had the same way on the process of changing from direct to indirect and both had some process to change pronoun, from direct to indirect. The differences were English, verbs were divided into three kinds, (1) Present form, (2) Past Form, and (3) Past Participle while Gorontalo language does not have division of verb in sentence. The process of changing from direct to indirect in English used conjunction, while in Gorontalo language conjunction was not used. Therefore, it is expected that Gorontalo learners would recognize the differences and similarities of Gorontalo and English indirect speech so that they will find it easy form indirect speech in English.
Key words: Contrastive Analysis, Gorontalo Language and English Indirect Speech
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