Penulis / NIM
ROZIANTO / 321409114
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Dr. SULEMAN BOUTI, M.Hum / 0027046904
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
Rozianto, 2014. "Contrastive Analysis between English and Arabic in Simple Past Form"
The objective of this study is to To find out and To describe the differences and similarities between English and Arabic language in simple past form, so that the difficulties of students who learn English as foreiggn language can predicted. The method of this study is descriptive methode, it describes the similarities and differences of English and Arabic in simple past form. This method helps to achieve the objective of research, I conduct the research through these steps. (1) Description, to describe English and Arabic past form, (2) Selecting past form of both English and Arabic, (3) Contrasting the similarities and differences of past form in English and Arabic systematically, and (4) Predicting the difficulties which may occur based on the previous steps. After I analyzed and compared the form of English and Arabic past verb, I conclude that there are some similarities: firstly, English and Arabic have regular and irregular verb form. Secondly, English and Arabic language have verb formation in past form by adding morpheme at the end of word. Third, English and Arabic past form that has indicated the past time. The difference between English an Arabic past form: first, Arabic past form is from verb-1 (one) or base form, while English past form is from verb-2 (two). Secondly, Arabic suffixes has indicated pronoun, while English did not. Third, Arabic past form has own with pronoun, unlike English language which pronoun is separated. The lastly, Arabic past form is before subject, whereas English is after subject, but sometime Arabic past form position is after subject.
Key words: contrastive analysis, past form
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