Penulis / NIM
IRMAWATY / 321409133
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
NONNY BASALAMA, MA, Ph.D. / 0010036804
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
INDRI WIRAHMI BAY, S.Pd, M.A / 0020088002
Irmawaty. 2010. Skripsi: THE CORRELATION BETWEEN STUDENTS’ MOTIVATION AND STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILL (A research conducted to the students of eleventh grade of SMAN 1 Tibawa)
The objectives of this research are to find out whether there is significance correlation between students’ motivation and students’ speaking skill and how students’ motivation contributes to students’ speaking skill. In this case, the sample of this research is taken by using systematic sampling (random sampling). Systematic sampling in this research was taken by multiple 5 for each class. So, the sample is 43 students of eleventh grade.
The method of this research is quantitative method. The instruments used in collecting the data are questionnaires to measure students’ motivation and oral test (dialogue) score to measure students’ speaking skill. The students’ motivation measurement divided into five categories; there are very strong, strong, strong average, weak average and weak. Then, the levels of students’ speaking skill are divided into very good, good, enough, low and very low. All the data analyzed by statistical product and service solutions 16.0 (SPSS 16.0)
The result of this research are there is significance correlations between students’ motivation and students’ speaking skill and the students’ motivation contribute to students’ speaking skill. It is proved by statistical analysis in findings that f_count (9.3824) > f_((0,05,1,42)) (4.07) and Sig. proportion (0.000) < ? (0.05) which indicated that there are significance correlation between students’ motivation and students’ speaking skill and the result of students’ motivation contribution to students’ speaking skill proved by Y=0.005+0.137X which shown students’ speaking skill is only 0.005 but students motivation give contribution 0.137 or 13.70% for increasing student’ speaking skill
Key Word: Correlation, Students’ motivation and Students’ speaking skill.
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