Penulis / NIM
RENA PASANDRE / 321409137
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Prof. Dr. HASANUDDIN, M.Hum / 0031126374
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
SRI WIDYARTI ALI, S.Pd, M.Hum / 0006098201
ABSTRACT Rena Pasandre (2015) 321 409 137 "Contrastive analysis of English and Bajo language prefixes". English Department, Faculty of Letters and Culture, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. First advisor is Prof. Dr. Hasanuddin Fatsah, M.Hum and second advisor is Sri Widyarti Ali, S.Pd, M.Hum This study is about contrastive analysis of English and Bajo language prefixes. This study was done to find out the differences and similarities of prefix both of English and Bajo languages, and focused on distribution and function. Technique of collecting data in English is obtained from documentation, include: journal from internet, theses, books and dictionary which contains prefix in English. Data in Bajo language is collected from interview, recording, taking notes, and collecting the data from books, skripsi or journal which discusses about Bajo language including prefix. This research used qualitative method by using Contrastive Analysis. This analysis is to describe the result of this research that is both of languages that have prefix that can be attached to the base form of noun, verb, and adjective. In this research, the researcher had two languages to contrast. They were Bajo language as a target language and English as a source language. There are 14 prefixes in English to compared, they are dis-, mis-, re-, non-, un-, em-, en-, out-, be-, over-, sub-,ex-, pre-, and in-. There are also 10 prefixes in Bajo language, they are pa-, na-, ta-, maki-,ma-,nga-,ng-, di-, -, ka-, and maka-. Both of English and Bajo language have more similarities than differences. In distribution English and Bajo language have correspondent because prefix in both languages could be attached to the base form of noun, verb, and adjective. In the function it is shown that the both languages have prefixes that could change and not change the word class. In English, noun could be verb and adjective if prefix was attched to the base word; verb could be noun and adjective, and adjective could be verb. In Bajo language, noun could be verb and adjective if prefix was attched to the base word; verb could be noun, and adjective could be a verb. Key words: Contrastive Analysis, Prefixes
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