Penulis / NIM
NENANG K. HAMZAH / 321409159
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Dra ELSJE L SAMBOUW, M.Hum / 0005046010
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
Nenang K. Hamzah. 2014. A Study on Students' Grammar Error in Writing Recount Text Research conducted at the first grade of SMA Negeri I Bonepantai . Skripsi, English Departement, Letters and Culture Faculty, Gorontalo State University. Dra. Elsje L. Sambouw, M.Hum as advisor I and Moh. Syahrun Ibrahim, S.Pd, M.Ed as advisor II.
The objectives of this research are to describe the kinds of the students' grammar errors and to describe the causes of students grammar errors in writing recount text. The method that used in this research was descriptive quantitative method with used analyzed of procedure of error analysis such as: 1 collecting the data from the students writing, 2 identifying the errors, 3 classifying the errors, 4 giving frequency of the errors. In collecting the data, I gave some topics as instrument and identified the errors, I used correction symbol to help me classified and gave frequency. The result of this research shows that the students made errors in writing recount text insome aspect such as agreement of subject and verb (103 error or 29.51%, agreement of pronoun and noun 11 errros or 3.15%, agrement of possessive and noun or pronoun were 14 errors or 4.01%, sentence fragment 40 errors or 11.46%, wrong verb II 125 errors or 35.81%, and wrong word order 58 errors or 16.61% So, total of students errors in grammar were 349. In addition, there are some kinds of students errors and the causes of students errors which are found in this research: 1 ommision error caused by incomplete application of rules. In this case, the total of the students errors in ommision errors were 143 errors or 32.57 %, 2misformation error caused of ignorance of rule restrictions. The totals of students errors in misformation errors were 150 errors or 34.16 %, 3 misordering error caused of false concept hypothesized. The totals of students error were 58 errors or 16.62 %.
Key words: Error analysis, grammar, writing, recount text.
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