Penulis / NIM
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Dr. HANISAH HANAFI, M.Pd. / 0021016504
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
Mifta Sri Wahyuni Wuso, 321409195, April 2016, how the process of teaching vocabulary and the response of students by using crossword puzzle: A Research conducted in MY LIBERTY International Eglish School. Skripsi. English Department. Letter and Culture Faculty. State University of Gorontalo. 2016.
Advisor 1: Dr. Hj. Hanisah Hanaf, M.Pd. Advisor 2: Magvirah El. Walidayni Kau, S.Pd, M.Pd.
This qualitative research discovers the issues about the process of teaching vocabulary and the response of students by using crossword puzzle. It takes from two main cases. The cases consist of the process of teaching vocabulary which using puzzle and students response towards the using of crossword puzzle itself. , crossword puzzle is one kind of the games which can be use in teaching process that is aimed to improve students vocabulary, spelling and understanding of words. In order to investigate the problems, the researcher uses observation and interview with the participants are 8 elementary students in one of the class named Indiana in MY LIBERTY International English School. In analyzing the data, the researcher uses three processes such as data reduction, data display, and conclusion/verification. Findings indicated that along the three days of using the crossword puzzle in teaching vocabulary, students' scores are various and shows the good progress. Students also gave different response towards the using of crossword puzzle. From eight students inside the classroom, there were six students like the using of crossword puzzle in English. It means there were only 2 students who dislike the using of crossword puzzle. The students were seem enthusiastic and focused in filling the crossword puzzle.. The method can be categorized as a good method if the students feel the same. In conclusion, the teacher should be more creative in applying this game for teaching vocabulary. It is because they need also to consider about students' English ability.
Keywords : Students' Response, Teaching vocabulary, Crossword Puzzle.
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