Penulis / NIM
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Dra ELSJE L SAMBOUW, M.Hum / 0005046010
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
NURLAILA HUSAIN, S.S., M.Pd / 0021087904
Agustini,Adik Evy WR. 2015. Teaching English By Using Cartoon Film of Dora The Explorer (A Research conducted at VII Grade Students of SMPN.4Paguyaman).Skripsi.English Department, Letters and Culture Faculty, UniversitasNegeri Gorontalo.Principal advisor, Dra.Elsje L. Sambouw, M. Hum and Nurlaila Husain, S.S., M. Pd.
The research aims to determine student's learning outcomes after using the cartoon Dora the explorer. Cartoon Film Dora the explorer is kinds animations in television originates from the United State of America.This research was designed by using the qualitative method. Techniques of collection the Data in this research is the use of multiple-choice test. There were four meetings in this research. Data analysis techniques in this research using a formula data analysis. The result of this research is After students learn using the Cartoon film Dora the explorer, students demonstrate positive attitudes in the classroom. where students become happier, more energized, not sleepy, bored, more motivated and more enjoy to follow English language lessons in the classroom so that students achieve a passing rating given by researcher. Based on the results of the recapitulation, the average value of the students after using the cartoon dora the explorer is 80%. This value is included in the very well criteria and achieve a passing rating.Cartoon film Dora the explorer can help students to be more easily understand the material provided by the researcher and Cartoon Film Dora the explorer is a pleasant way to teach English.
Key words: Teaching English, Cartoon film of Dora the explorer.
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