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Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
SRI WIDYARTI ALI, S.Pd, M.Hum / 0006098201
Stela K Unonongo. 2015. 321410017. Skripsi: A Descriptive Study on Students' Speaking Ability in Practicing Attractive Conversation. (A study conducted at My Liberty English Course). English Department. Letters and Culture Faculty. Gorontalo State University. Advisors: (1). Muhammad Syamsurizal, S.S., M.Pd., (2) Sri Widyarti Ali, S.Pd., M.Hum
This study is aimed to find out students' speaking ability in practicing attractive conversation. Attractive conversation is a set of conversation modified more attractive in terms of content and approach to build students' interest in speaking class. Conversation as one of the speaking activities is taught to the learners since early age, when they start to learn the sound, to know the meaning of the sentence, and to learn how to produce the words well.
The data of this study were analyzed by using a rubric from Brown (2004) which measures speaking ability that concerned with vocabulary pronunciation grammar, fluency, and comprehension. This study took 10 students of freshman level as subject of research who practicing the conversation in May 2014. The instrument used in collecting the data for this study was video recording and direct assessment.
The result of the research reveals that students' speaking ability in practicing the conversation is in fair category. It is seen by the result of the three aspects of speaking, there are three categories of speaking which are categorized as fair with the percentage is about 41-55%. They are pronunciation, vocabulary, and fluency. Based on the result, it is suggested that the students' speaking ability of My Liberty English Course needs developing by encouraging them to converse actively to each other.
Key words: Students' speaking ability, practicing attractive conversation
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