Penulis / NIM
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
KARMILA MACHMUD, M.A., Ph.D. / 0010097506
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
FAHRIA MALABAR, S.Pd, M.A / 0005068601
Thirto Syahputra Manggo. 321 410 018. Tenor in Obama's Speech. Department of English Education. Faculty of Letters and Culture. State University of Gorontalo. Advisors: Karmila Machmud, M.A., Ph.D and Fahria Malabar, S.Pd., M.A.
This research aims to reveal the representation of Tenor namely personalization, standing and stance in Obama's speech. It uses the theory of Tenor by Mechura in non-interactive text. The objects of the research are speeches at University of Indonesia which is symbolized as speech 1, at Cairo University as speech 2, and at University of Malaya as speech 3. This research applies a qualitative descriptive method. The primary data is a remark of President that was taken directly from the website of US government The researcher uses observation to collect the representation of tenor in each speech. The data are analyzed after finding and classifying the specific utterances that contained the representation of tenor. Based on the category of tenor, it is found that the representations of personalization in all speeches are dominated with the representations of "I". The aim is to create an intimacy during the speech by telling the impression and personal feeling. Next, Obama possesses more expertise in standing of speech 1 and speech 3, but uses more respectable source in speech 2. All the representations of standing aim to persuade audience to do an action about the topic and issues discussed in each speech. Furthermore, the representations of stance in all speeches contain positive attitude and the level commitment contains more use of certainty.
Keywords: Tenor, Personalization, Standing, Stance, Speech, Obama
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