Penulis / NIM
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
NONNY BASALAMA, MA, Ph.D. / 0010036804
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
DEWI DAMA, S.Pd., M.Ed / 0007087605
Sri NovararaPakaya. 321 410 030. Students' Perception on Research Based Instruction in Teaching Literary Criticism Subject. Department of English Education. Faculty of Letters and Culture. UniversitasNegeriGorontalo. Advisors: Dra. NonnyBasalama, M.A., Ph.D and DewiDama, S.Pd., M.Ed.
This research aims to reveal the students' perception on research based instruction in teaching literary criticism. It uses the theory of research based instruction by Hubber in its correlation to the literary criticism subject integration. The data is collected by using the observation and interview to 35 participants and the data was analyzed by using descriptive qualitative method. The participants of this study are 35 students. They were chosen using purposive sampling method from English Department Students of State University of Gorontalo who have attended literary criticism subject. The data are analyzed after finding and classifying the specific sentences that contained the representation of research based instruction in each category. The result of the study shows that the research based instruction has positive visions to its integration with the literary criticism subject in terms of developing both of the students' cognitive aspect as well as the students' skill aspect.
Keywords: Research Based Instruction, Literary Criticism.
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