Penulis / NIM
SISNAWATY ANCE / 321410044
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Dra ELSJE L SAMBOUW, M.Hum / 0005046010
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
NURLAILA HUSAIN, S.S., M.Pd / 0021087904
Ance, Sisnawaty. 2015. Factors caused students' difficulties in listening for general communication subject (A Research conducted at English Department Students of Second Semester). Skripsi. English Department, Letters and Culture Faculty, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Principal advisor, Dra. Elsje L. Sambouw, M. Hum and Nurlaila Husain,S.S.,M. Pd.
The study aims to find out the factors of students' difficulties in listening for general communication. This study was designed by using qualitative method. The participants of this research were referred to students at second semester in English department. However, the researcher just took 26 students as a sample of research. The techniques of collecting the data were observation and interview. Observation was conducted in three meetings. Thus, the students were interviewed in order to find out the information of students difficulties in listening. The techniques of analyzing the data were started from reducing the data, displaying the data, and concluding the data. The finding of this study showed that the students have difficulties in listening. They have difficulties in vocabulary, pronunciation and speech rate. In vocabulary most of students has lack or limited vocabulary. It is make them cannot understand the contents of the text. Moreover, pronunciation of speakers is considered as a source of listening problem for students. In speech rate, students did not get any difficulties. All of them said that if they do not understand or do not listen what the speaker said, the teacher gave them opportunity to repeat what the information from the speakers.
Key words: Students' Difficulties, Listening, General Communication
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