Penulis / NIM
SABARIA PALE / 321410102
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
NONNY BASALAMA, MA, Ph.D. / 0010036804
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
Pale, Sabaria. (2017). "Analysis on Teachers' Obstacles in Teaching English as Foreign Language (A research conducted inMts Batudaa )".English Study Program, Faculty of Letter and Culture, University State of Gorontalo. Supervisors: (1) Nonny Basalama, M.A, Ph.D, (2) Sri Agriyanti Mestari, s.pd M.ed TESOL.
The main purpose of this research was to analyze the teachers' obstacles in Mts Batudaa to teaching English as foreign language. This research was designed by using qualitative method. The participants of this research were referred to all of English teachers in Mts Batudaa at Tabongo. The technique of collecting the data were observation and interview. Observation was conducted in four teachers in teaching English in the class. Interview was conducted after observation found out in two teachers because two other teachers not ready to interview. Thus, the researcher was observe the teachers obstacles in Mts Batudaa by using field note ased on the teachers activity in learbning and teaching process in the classroom. The techniques of analyzing data were from reducing the data, displaying the data, and concluding the data. The finding of this research showed that most of teachers' obstacles in Mts Batudaa tend prominent in humane factors that had some influences were the teachers and the students, institutional factor that had some influences were device and infrastructure and the facility, and instructional factor that is besed on visual aids indicators. It is because the teachers obstacles in teaching Englishin Mts Batudaa appropriated with the humane factor that had some influences were the teachers and the students, institutional factors that has some influnce were device and infrastructure, and the facility, and instructional factor that is based on visual aids in observed and interview. When conducted this research the researcher only provided with look activity in learning and teaching process in classroom, after that interview the teachers to get more the data. Therefore, it was need the teacher obstacles in teaching English as foreign language.
Keyword: Teaching English as foreign language, Teachers professional, Teaching English, teachers
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