Penulis / NIM
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
ROSMA KADIR, S.Pd, MA / 0019028002
Sataruno, Fadillah. 321 410 113. Struggling for Love in Rob Marshall's Memoirs of A Geisha. Department of English Education. Faculty of Letters and Culture. Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Advisors: Adriansya A. Katili, S.S, M.Pd and Rosma Kadir., S.Pd, M.A
Memoirs of a Geisha movie shows about the struggle of Chiyo Sakamoto. She's living in the world with the competition and had to work hard to get what she wants. This research aims to analyze the movie's script which is telling about the struggle of Chiyo Sakamoto as the main character. This study also functions to present geisha's strength and what are the motivations clarify the way the woman as geisha struggle to achieve her true love and being success. This research used a qualitative research method. Also, there are two kinds of motivation that have been found in this research which are supporting the main character in order to get her wants, intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. It has been found 14 data which are showing us about Chiyo's struggle. Finally, the research found that Chiyo is a strong girl. Chiyo met with so many barriers but she believes that she can passed all of those hardships and never give up. Chiyo's also getting some motivation from outside such as her family, even her rival. Movie was telling and teaching us to never give up with our problem in life, especially as woman. Woman has equality with the man .They have to be strong and keep struggle to get what we want.
Key Words : Struggle, Motivation, Chiyo Sakamoto, Memoirs of a Geisha
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