Penulis / NIM
NITA LULIANA / 321411082
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Prof. Dr. HASANUDDIN, M.Hum / 0031126374
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
Nita Luliana.321411082. 2015.The Use of Objective Test in Measuring Students' Comprehension in Reading Narrative Text.Skripsi.EnglishDepartment.Letters and Culture Faculty.State University of Gorontalo.Advisor.(1). Prof. Dr. Hasanuddin F, M.Hum, (2).Magvirah El WalidayniKau, S.Pd. M.Pd
The Objectives of this research are: to find out the most effective objective test in measuring students' comprehension in reading narrative text, to find out the strengths and weaknesses of the objective test and to find out the reasons why do students find it easy or difficult to do objective test. The subject of this research were 22 students at nine three grade at SMPN 1 Batudaa. The method of this research was quantitative descriptive. Meanwhile, in collecting the data, the researcher used objective test as the instrument of this research and also used questioners (open ended questions and close ended questions). In analyzing the data, the researcher used some steps such as:1) calculate the average of students' score 2) calculate the discrimination index and difficulty index, 3) description the close ended questions and 4) description the open ended questions. The result of this research proved that fill in the blank is the most effective objective test in measuring students' comprehension in reading narrative text shown by counting average of students' scores that fill in the blank is the second high score than others test and the test also had good discrimination. Average of fill in the blank is 14.45 and the result of discrimination index is from 20 items there are 9 items had good discrimination and 9 items had satisfactory. These findings were supported by questioners shown that objective test have more strengths than the weaknesses and the reasons why do students find it easy or difficult to do objective test: readiness, time, words in test, stories that have been read and the objective test which given in the wrong time.
Key words: Objective test, students' comprehension, reading narrative text.
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