Penulis / NIM
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Dr. SULEMAN BOUTI, M.Hum / 0027046904
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
INDRI WIRAHMI BAY, S.Pd, M.A / 0020088002
Paputungan, Afni Utari. 321411087. 2015. Analysis of Word Formation Process in Twitter. Skripsi. English Department. Faculty of Letter and Culture. Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Advisor: (1) Dr. Suleman Bouti, M.Hum. (2) Indri Wirahmi Bay, S.Pd., M.A.
Word formation process covers the issues of creating new word in twitter focused on 30 accounts with education background for one month and a half. The aims of this research is to find out types word formation process which appear in twitter also to analyze the process of creating new word by using morphological analysis and phonological analysis. This research uses word formation process classification by Yule as morphological analysis and the structure of English syllable as phonological analysis. A qualitative method is applied in this research while linguistic feature in twitter which contains new word as the source of data. As the result, there are 8 types of word formation process that occur in twitter. Morphological process happened in 8 processes while phonological process happened in 2 word formation process. Acronyms type is mostly occur in creating new word. Additionally, there is a socio-pragmatic aspect occur in creating and interpreting new word in twitter.
Keywords: New Word, Morphological Process, Phonological Process, Socio-Pragmatic Aspect.
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