Penulis / NIM
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Doktor JOLANDA H D PILONGO, M.Pd / 0019045912
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
Julpiana Kamba. (2018). Improving students' vocabulary through contextual teaching and learning approach. A research conducted to students in eight grade of SMP Negeri Milangodaa in academic year 2017/2018. English Department, Letter and Culture Faculty, State University of Gorontalo. Advisor (1) Dr. Jolanda H.D Pilongo, M.Pd. Advisor (2) Sri Rumiyatiningsih Luwiti, S.Pd, MA
This research proposed to examine the influence of contextual teaching and learning in students' vocabulary mastery. It was conducted in SMP Negeri Milangodaa. To achieve the objective of research, it used pre experimental research. The total number of sample was 24 students. The data was obtained from students' vocabulary test score in pre-test and post-test. The instrument engaged in this research was multiple choice test and the data were analyzed through t-test. The results indicate there were significant improvements after applying contextual teaching and learning approach. The students who were taught through contextual teaching and learning approach had the highest score refer to their vocabulary mastery. It was because the students' average score in pre-test was only 48,75 while the average in post-test was 64,17. The improvement was about 15 42, while by using t-test calculation, it was obtained t count (12.97) was more than t0,05 (1.714). It means that the hypothesis was accepted; it proved there was a significant difference between students' vocabulary before contextual teaching and learning approach and after applying this approach. Regarding to the data above, it can be concluded that contextual teaching and learning approach is effective to be applied to improve students' vocabulary mastery.
Keywords: Vocabulary, Contextual teaching and learning approach.
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