Penulis / NIM
SELDA NASTIA / 321412058
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Dr. SYARIFUDDIN AHMAD, M.Pd / 0031036205
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
FAHRIA MALABAR, S.Pd, M.A / 0005068601
Selda Nastia, 2016. The Analysis of Meaning Based on Conversational Implicature on "A Walk to Remember" Movie. English Department, Letter and Culture Faculty, Gorontalo State University. Principle supervisor (1) Dr. Syarifuddin Ahmad, M.Pd. Co supervisor (2) Fahria Malabar, S.Pd., MA.
This research is made to analyze the use of conversational implicature on "A Walk to Remember" movie. This research is aimed at describing the meaning of conversational implicature and the violation of the co-operative principle which occur in the movie previous mentionen. This research conducting by using descriptive qualitative method. The data of this research were obtained by watching and making notes the conversations in the movie. And then,the selected data analyze one by one by using relevant theories about the research. The result shows that there are 20 utterances contain conversational impliactures in "A Walk to Remember" movie. They violated the Grice's maxims. The meaning of the violations such as to mocking someone, to requesting something, to rejecting, and to hiding something. Mostly, they violated in Quality maxim which reached 7 utterances. Following Quantity maxim with 6 utterances, Relation maxim with 4 utterances, and the lowest percentage violating the Manner maxim. It reached 3 utterances. From the result seen that all of four Grice's maxims are exist in "A Walk to Remember" movie.
Keywords :meaning, conversational implicature, violation of Grice's cooperative principle, A Walk to Remember movie.
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