Penulis / NIM
I KADEK RESTAMO / 321412081
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Dr. HARTO MALIK, M.Hum / 0004106604
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
FARID MUHAMAD, S.Pd, M.A / 0020048002
I Kadek Restamo. 2016. Metaphor in Robert Frost's Poems. English Department. Faculty of Letter and Culture. Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. The Principal Supervisor is Dr. H. Harto Malik, M.Hum, and The Co-Supervisor is Farid Muhamad, S.Pd., M.A.
This study focuses on the analysis of structure of metaphor and the meaning of each metaphor in 5 Frost's poems. The aims of this study is to discover the meaning of metaphor through the analysis of the structure of metaphor. This study uses qualitative method. Qualitative method is research that produces descriptive data, in the form of words or spoken data of people or figures were observed. It uses structural approach as the base approach for analyzing the data obtained from 5 Frost's poems. To analyze the structure of metaphor, it uses the theory by Knowles and Moon. They states that the metaphor has three elements; namely vehicle, tenor, and ground. The study found that there are 3 metaphors in "The Trial by Existence", 3 metaphors in "Rose Pogonias", 3 metaphors in "October", 3 metaphors in "Wind and Window Flower" and only one metaphor in "The Line-Storm Song", All of these metaphors have vehicle, tenor, and ground as stated by Knowles and Moon, But several metaphors show that they have implied tenor. From the analysis of the metaphor, it was found that the meaning of the metaphors of Robert Frost's poems tell about life and the obstacle of life, love, nature, and the journey of love.
Key words : Metaphor, Robert Frost, Vehicle, Tenor, Ground
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