Penulis / NIM
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Doktor JOLANDA H D PILONGO, M.Pd / 0019045912
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
- YUSNA BANTULU, S.Pd., M.A / 0004117804
Cicit Firliyana Lenda. 321 412 096. 2017. A Descriptive Study on Students' Fragments in Writing Recount Text ( Research conducted at the tenth grade of Madrasah Aliyah Bintauna. Skripsi. Department of English Education, Faculty of Letters and Culture, State University of Gorontalo. It was supervised by Dr. Jolanda H.D. Pilongo, M. Pd and Yusna Bantulu , S.Pd., M.A.
The objective of the research is to identify and describe the kinds of fragments that students produce in writing recount text. The subjects of this research are students at the tenth grade; class XA of Madrasah Aliyah Bintauna. Class XA consists of 22 students. Therefore, there are 22 participants of research. This research uses qualitative method. In collecting the data, this research uses documentation. The document consisted of students' recount text writing that have fragments. In collecting the data, the researcher is a non-participant. In analyzing the data, this research uses Fisiak (in Pomalingo, 2015, p.53) stated that there are some steps to analyze the data, those are; collecting the problems, identifying the problems, classifying the problems, and explaining the problems. Based on the result of research findings there are three kinds of fragments that students produce in writing recount text. Firstly, dependent clauses as fragments are 52 problems. It classifies into five types of dependent clause or subordinate clause or adverb clause, those are; adverb clause of time, adverb clause of purpose, adverb clause of reasons, adverb clause of condition, and adverb clause of supposition or concession. Secondly, phrases as fragments are 72 problems. It classifies into three types of phrases such as noun phrase, verb phrase, and adjective phrase. Thirdly, separated fragments are 2 problems. Hence, there are three kinds of fragments that students produced in writing recount text, those were; dependent clause of fragments, phrases as fragments, and separated fragments.
Keyword: Fragments, Kinds of fragments, Recount Text
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