Penulis / NIM
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Dr. SYARIFUDDIN AHMAD, M.Pd / 0031036205
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
SRI WIDYARTI ALI, S.Pd, M.Hum / 0006098201
Tresna Ayu Cahyani. 2017. NIM 3213413002. The Analysis of Deixis in the Novel Pride and Prejudice written by Jane Austen. Skripsi. English Department, Letter and Culture Faculty, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Advisor (1) Dr. Syarifuddin Ahmad, M.Pd, (2) Sri Widyarti Ali, S.Pd., M.Hum.
This study is intended to find out the types of deixis and the references contained in the novel Pride and Prejudice written by Jane Austen. The researcher, in this study, uses qualitative descriptive method to analyze the data. The data are taken from the utterances containing deixis in the novel. The researcher limits the data based on Yule's theory (1996) which states that in English there are three types of deixis; Person Deixis, Spatial Deixis, and Temporal Deixis. The theory from Miles and Huberman (1984) is used in this study to analyze the data which consists of data reduction, data display, and data drawing. The result shows that there are three types of deixis which represented in 112 data in the novel Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen; 93 data of person deixis, 8 data of spatial deixis, and 11 temporal Deixis. The deictic words I, me, we, us, you (plural), you (singular), they, them, she, her, he, and him are categorized as person deixis. The references are the speaker, the hearer, and the other participants. There are only two kinds of spatial deixis found, here and there which refer to specification of locations relative to points of reference, while the deictic words Monday, By the end of next week, Tomorrow fortnight, The evening, Last night, This moment, A month ago, The day before yesterday, Last week, Last month, and That evening are sort of temporal deixis and refer to different times. The specific references of each type of deixis are discussed more detaily in this study.
Keywords: Pragmatics, Deixis, Qualitative Descriptive, Pride and Prejudice.
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