Penulis / NIM
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
INDRI WIRAHMI BAY, S.Pd, M.A / 0020088002
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
NURLAILA HUSAIN, S.S., M.Pd / 0021087904
Dwi Novita Sari Baruwadi. 321 413 029. 2018. "Describing Students' Stuttering in International Students' Conference 2016" Undergraduated Thesis. Department of English Language Education, Faculty of Letters and Culture, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. The first advisor is Indry Wirahmi Bay, S.Pd, M.A and second advisor is Nurlaila Husain, S.S, M.Pd.
This research is aimed to find out the types of stuttering in International Students' Conference 2016. The types of stuttering are the main data in this research. Watching the International Students' Conference video, selecting the participants, watching the participants' video, and classifying the types of their stuttering are the steps in collecting the data. It was found in the video that there were 5 participants doing the stuttering. Types of stuttering are derived from the theory Yairi (1996); Yairi & Ambrose (1992); Yairi, Ambrose, & Niermann (1993); Yairi et al., (1996); Yaruss, (1997) that the types of stuttering are divided into 5 types that are word repetition, syllable repetition, sound repetition, prolongation, and block. The result showed that the participants produced the stuttering for 207 times. Word repetition was the most dominated stuttering produced by students for 108 times, block produced for 47 times. However, there were 3 types of stuttering which were no produced by 3 participants; syllable repetition, sound repetition, and prolongation. Syllable repetition, prolongation, and sound repetition occurred respectively for 36 times, 11 times, and 5 times. In addition the common factors that influences students' stuttering are the anxiety of public speaking and lack of confidence. Thus, in avoiding these stuttering errors, students should concentrate more and practice again to improve the ability to speak English.
Keywords: Types of Stuttering, International Students' Conference 2016
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