Penulis / NIM
INDRA HASBIH / 321413037
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Dr. SULEMAN BOUTI, M.Hum / 0027046904
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
Indra Hasbih, 2017. Morphological Errors on Students' Basic Consideration in Writing Skripsi. English Department, Letters and Culture Faculty, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Advisor (1) Dr. Suleman Bouti, M.Hum (2) Muh. Syamsurizal, SS, M.Pd.
The objective of this research is to investigate the types of morphological errors on students' basic consideration in writing skripsi. In order to deal with it, 15 skripsi have become the object of collecting the data. It is known that skripsi is the final project of students in Indonesia. After collecting the data, comes to the process of separating the data based on the types of morphological errors. Qualitative research is used to analyze the data. As a result, basic consideration produces various morphological errors. There are 35 data from 15 skripsi that have been collected. Based on the theory of error analysis by Corder (1967), there are three types of errors that occur in students' basic consideration. Omission of plural marker, omission of tense marker and addition are the data that occurred in this site. There are 15 data of omission of plural marker, 10 data of omission of tense marker and three data of addition. In addition, based on Mc Carthy (2002), from eight types of morphological errors, there are four types takes place in students' basic consideration, the major types of errors are (-s) for plural noun, (-s) for verb present 3rd person singular, (-ing) for present continuous tense or gerund and (-ed) for verb past tense. The rest of it does not have any errors on basic consideration. They are ('s) for noun possessive, (-en) for verb of past perfect participle, (-er) for adjective of comparative and (-est) for adjective of superlative.
Keyword: Morphological Errors
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