Penulis / NIM
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
SRI WIDYARTI ALI, S.Pd, M.Hum / 0006098201
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
ZULKIFLI TANIPU, M.A / 0911018601
Hasni Fitri Utami Ponamon, 2017. Subject Verb Agreement Error in Students' Argumentative Writing. English Department, Letters and Culture Faculty, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Advisor (1) Sri Widyarti Ali., S.Pd., M.Hum, (2) Zulkifli Tanipu., S.Pd., M.A.
Subject verb agreement as the basic feature of English grammar takes a role as the fundamental aspect of English grammar that used to create the agreement between the subject and verb. The verb of a sentence needs to agree with the number of subject to create the agreement. Further, this agreement is a must in English sentence because the disagreement could affect the syntactic rule of a sentence and produce the ungrammatical sentence. Even though the subject verb agreement is the basic of English grammar, it is unavoidable that the students are still constructing the disagreements and producing the error. Hence, this study is conducted to find what are the types of subject verb agreement error occurred in students writing. This study applied qualitative method to explore and analyze this phenomenon through argumentative essay written by the participants. There are four types of subject verb agreement (Azar, 1999), as a result three types are found as errors; Basic subject verb agreement, subject verb agreement using "there+tobe" and subject verb agreement using some irregularities. Moreover, the result of interview indicates that carelessness and lack of knowledge become the factors that lead the students to produce the errors. Regarding these result, the students are suggested to increase their awareness and practice repeatedly to reduce the errors.
Key words: subject verb agreement error, argumentative writing, qualitative method
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