Penulis / NIM
MARHAMA / 321413146
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Prof. Dr. MOON HIDAYATI OTOLUWA, M.Hum / 0002095910
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
KARMILA MACHMUD, M.A., Ph.D. / 0010097506
Marhama, 2017. Students' Motivation in Learning Research on Language Subject (A Study Conducted at English Department, State University of Gorontalo). English Department, Faculty of Letters and Culture, State University of Gorontalo. Advisor (1) Prof. Dr. Hj. Moon H. Otoluwa, M. Hum (2) Karmila Machmud, S.Pd, MA, Ph.D.
Motivation is the biggest single factor that affects the success of teaching learning process. At its most basic level, "motivation is some kind of internal drive which pushes someone to do things in order to achieve something" (Harmer 2007:98). In addition, Deci and Ryan (2000:2) stated that motivation is divided into two types; intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Moreover, Research on Language becomes the crucial subject to be learned by students in the 5th semester in English Department as the first step to the next subject such as Seminar on Language, Proposal, and Final Thesis. Furthermore, students need to be motivated in the learning process of Research on Language subject. Both instrinsic and extrinsic motivation are required to lead the students in passing the class. As the consequence, this research investigated students' motivation in learning research, in order to produce accurate data that prove students motivation to learn Research subject as the crucial subject in English Department. The result shows that the main motivation in this study was intrinsic motivation. It is found the result that there are more than three quarters of the whole sample are intrinsically motivated; 67%. Furthermore, this findings is leading to another finding in which extrinsic motivation was only less from one quarter from the whole sample; 24%. Regarding this result, it suggest for the students to keep their motivation in learning Research on Language subject.
Keywords: Motivation, Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation, Research on Language Subject.
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