Penulis / NIM
NURHAYATI / 321414067
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Dra ELSJE L SAMBOUW, M.Hum / 0005046010
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
Dr. ADRIANSYAH ABU KATILI, S.S., M.Pd. / 0029096605
Nurhayati, 2019. NIM 321414067. The Use of Short Story to Increase the Students Vocabulary Mastery, English Department, Letters and Culture Faculty, State University of Gorontalo. Advisor (1) Dra. Elsje Louise Sambouw, M.Hum (2) Adriansyah Abu Katili, S.S., M.Pd
This research studied about the use of short story to increase the students vocabulary Mastery. In this experiment, short story was used in teaching vocabulary. The objective of this research is to know the effectiveness of short story to increase the students vocabulary mastery. In applied short story in teaching vocabulary this research was implementation three ways from Lewis and Hill (1992). There are antonym, synonym, and translation. Learning short story in teaching vocabulary using the three ways are make the learners or students learn vocabulary in large quantities and mastered the vocabularies in different context. This research focused on vocabulary with category of three parts cover noun, verb, and adjective. To deal with his research, the researcher applied the principle of quantitative method with research design is pre experimental one group pre-test post-test. The subjects of the students were 25 students of VIII 4 of SMP N 1 Batudaa. In collecting the data, the researcher used pre-test, treatment, and post-test. The result of implementation short story in teaching vocabulary was successfully increase the students vocabulary mastery. The total score in pre-test is 42,72%. It was changed in total score of post-test, it is 62,50%. The students vocabulary mastery have significances progress after given the treatment using short story. This technique was shown to be an effective way to increase the students vocabulary mastery. The study of this research not only made their vocabulary mastery was increase but also increase they involvement in teaching learning process. The main conclusion, this research reveal that the use of short story effective to increase the students vocabulary mastery.
Keywords: Vocabulary, Short Story
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