Penulis / NIM
MUHAMMAD FAHRI / 321414082
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
ROSMA KADIR, S.Pd, MA / 0019028002
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
Dr. MAGDALENA BAGA, SS, M.Si / 0018036707
Muhammad Fahri, 2014. Gay lives in Hustling novel by John Preston through Sociology of Literature. English Education Department, Letters and Culture Faculty, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Advisor (1) Rosma Kadir, S.Pd., M.A, (2) Dr. Magdalena Baga, S.S., M.Si
This research was conducted to analyses gay lives of the main character "I" in Hustling novel by John Preston in 1994. This research employed Sociology of Literature proposed by Wellek and Warren as cited in Damono. This theory draws attention to three aspects. The first aspect pertains to works that define the literary work (novel). The second aspect considers the author as a producer of literary work. The third aspect relates to the social in real-life when the novel was produced that influence of literary works. Findings of this study suggested that the main character "I" in terms of being a gay person as reflected in Hustling novel is strongly influenced by his social life. Boston city in its real-life compared to the Boston city mentioned in Hustling novel has the same responses to LGBT. Hustling Novel by John Preston In 1994 has a shared account of the real-life of the author which actually was gay. Furthermore, the novel offers indirectly campaign that gay can socially adapt and survive in the environment, community, and society; but, the author was not aware that he described the process of someone becoming a gay depending on the environment and one's choice.
Keywords : Sociology of literature, Gay lives, Main Character, Novel
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