Penulis / NIM
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Prof. Dr. MOON HIDAYATI OTOLUWA, M.Hum / 0002095910
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
TITIEN FATMAWATY MOHAMMAD, S.Pd, M.App Ling / 0028127704
Fandyawati Gobel, 2022. Student ID 321415039. Students��� Anxiety in Asking Question to the Teacher in English Learning, English Department, Letters and Culture Faculty, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. The Principal Supervisor is Prof. Dr. Moon Hidayati Otoluwa, M.Hum and The Co-Supervisor is Titien Fatmawaty Mohammad, S.Pd,. M.App Ling.
English is an international language that used by many countries. In cultivating a young generation like students it cannot be allowed to have young generation like them who still do not understand with English. They must master the international language so that they are ready and able to keep up with the times in the era of globalization but most of students cannot use English fluently in the classroom because English is not their mother tongue. It is rarely used and they tend to use their mother tongue in their daily activities to interact with the others. The students become nervous, worry and feel afraid when make a mistake when they try to speak in English. The situation describes that they may have an anxiety reaction that distracts their skill in learning English. The present study intends to investigate about the factors that affect students��� anxiety in asking question and their strategies to cope their anxiety in asking question. The data of the study were obtained by using qualitative method. The participants were students on seventh grade of SMP Negeri 2 Gorontalo. Research data were collected by interviewing the students. The findings reveal the result that most of students in class VII-5 felt anxiety in asking the question. Most of the students used their strategies to cope their anxiety in asking the question.
Keywords: Anxiety, Asking Question, Strategies.
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