Penulis / NIM
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Prof. KARMILA MACHMUD, M.A., Ph.D. / 0010097506
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
Dr. ABID, S.S, MA TESOL / 0019068302
Muliana Wahyuni Halid, 2022. NIM 321415041. Exploring English Major Students' Experiences in Taking IELTS Speaking Practice: A Qualitative Study. English Department, Faculty of Letters and Culture, State University of Gorontalo. Principal Supervisor; Prof. Karmila Machmud, S.Pd., M.A., Ph.D., Co-Supervisor; Dr. Abid. S.S., M.A., TESOL.
This research aims to explore English Department students' experiences in taking IELTS speaking practice, and whether they have challenges or difficulties in the learning process. This research uses a qualitative approach and collects the data by interviews through WhatsApp voice note, by using narrative inquiry. It took 3 participants of the fourth semester in the academic year 2020/2021. The result of this research revealed that the students experienced several different challenges during the practice, which are (1) students prepare themselves in several different ways, (2) students define IELTS in different perception, (3) students encounter some problems during IELTS speaking practice, (4) students have issues in adjusting their answer to the test duration, and (5) students agree that IELTS test is important for their future. Thus, it can be concluded that no matter how well the preparation was, students still have challenges in practicing the IELTS. For instance, they felt nervous, lack of academic vocabulary, and even worried about the correct grammar. Consequently, this research recommended to the other students to read and more practice with classmates, so they could expand their knowledge and structure their answers well. Moreover, the lecturer as helping hand for students by giving authentic materials and visualizing the example of IELTS speaking itself. In addition, this research still needs further study, so that the problems they face can be resolved properly.
Keywords: Experiences, IELTS Speaking, Qualitative.
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