Penulis / NIM
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Dr. RACHMI LAYA, M.Pd / 0001026208
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
Dr. MAGDALENA BAGA, SS, M.Si / 0018036707
Irna Yustika Mokodongan. 321416016. 2022."Two Opposite Perspective Of Discrimination In The Movie The Hate U Give (2018). Skripsi. English Department. Faculty of Letters and Culture. State University of Gorontalo. Advisor (1) Dr. Rachmi Laya. M. Pd. (2) Dr. Magdalena Baga, S.S, M.Si
This study examines the two different perspective between white and black that happened in life in the movie The Hate U Give by George Tillmen Jr 2018, by analyzing the two opposite perspective of discrimination using the Critical Race Theory. The theory of Critical Race Theory is used as it aims to find out what is racial discriminations that occur in social life between black and white in United State. This theory is divided into four: everyday racism, material determinism, social construction or differential racialization, and intersectionality. The method is intrinsic approach is to stressing on perspective or point of view as one of the element of fiction structure. Based on the results, it is found out that there are some white people who doing indirectly racist act toward black people, such as prejudice, class, education, race, and so on that discover by the system in United State who not make the racial discrimination gone but it has been cover and change indirectly way and most of white people did not realize it.
Keywords:Perspective, Discrimination, Social, Black, White
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