Penulis / NIM
UMI MAFIROH / 321416018
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Dr. ABID, S.S, MA TESOL / 0019068302
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
FAHRIA MALABAR, S.Pd, M.A / 0005068601
Umi Mafiroh, 2022."English Teaching Anxiety faced by Indonesian pre-service English Teacher during Teaching Practicum Programs". Department of English, Faculty Literature and Culture, State University of Gorontalo. The first advisor is Dr. Abid, S.S., M.A. TESOL and the second advisor is Fahria Malabar, S.Pd., M.A.
The aim of this study was identified the causes of teaching anxiety that pre-service teachers encountered throughout their teaching practice as well as the methods they employed to deal with it. Thematic analysis, in particular, is the component key of the study's qualitative research approach. The participants in this research were two pre-service teachers from junior high school and senior high school. The questions are based on Huberty (2009) and Sammephet and Wanphet (2013), which offer a thorough theoretical model that can guide practice instruction as well as studies on teaching and learning anxiety. Through the researcher's WhatsApp account, data was gathered. The research findings show that demonstrate the pre-service students' anxiety is caused by issues with classroom management, a fear of making mistakes, a lack of teaching experience, unfulfilled expectations, interaction with the field supervisory teacher, and positive student relationships. Teachers-in-training have their own methods for overcoming this nervousness. determined that the course content needed to be modified, and that teachers needed to be highly motivated. This suggests that pre-service teacher preparation programs should be expanded to help pre-service teachers become more comfortable adjusting lesson plans for students with different requirements, including those who have technical issues when lecturing in front of a class.
Keywords: Indonesia, teaching anxiety, pre-service teacher, teaching practicum Programs.
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