Penulis / NIM
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
INDRI WIRAHMI BAY, S.Pd, M.A / 0020088002
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
SRI WIDYARTI ALI, S.Pd, M.Hum / 0006098201
Syntactic tree diagram serves as a way for students to identify and to analyze the structure of a sentence. Based on the preliminary observation that the researcher conducted to the students of English Department, it is found that most of the students got difficulties in drawing the tree diagram. Therefore, this research intends to identify the students������ difficulties in drawing the syntactic tree diagram of simple sentences. This research applied descriptive qualitative method because the data are in form of words or sentences. There are six English Department students taken as the research participants. The data were collected through interview as the main instrument and test as the supporting instrument. The result of this research reveals that there are six difficulties encountered by the students in drawing the syntactic tree diagram; such as difficult to determine phrase structure rules, difficult to place words and phrases, difficult to determine the word classes, confused when discovering a long sentence, confused when pulling arrows on the syntactic tree diagram, and difficult to identify ambiguous sentences. Moreover, there are some factors that causes the students������ difficulties in drawing the syntactic tree diagram of simple sentences such as inadequate or inappropriate teaching, clasroom environment, loss of confidence, spesific information processing difficulties (attentional difficulties) and spesific information processing difficulties (memory). Regarding the result of this study, it is suggested that students should have more practices in drawing the syntactic tree diagram. Additionally, lecturers are also expected to provide more practices in drawing syntactic tree diagrams to students during the teaching and learning process.
Keywords: Students������ Difficulties, The Syntactic Tree Diagram, Simple Sentences.
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