Penulis / NIM
NINGSI I. SALIM / 321418021
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Dr. RAHMAN T DAKO, SS., M.Hum / 0007027403
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
JEFRIYANTO SAUD, M.A / 0030018206
Ningsi I. Salim. 321418021.2023. â�Å"Simile and Hyperbole in song lyrics of Evermore Album by Taylor Swiftâ�Â. Skripsi. English Department. Faculty of Letter and Culture. State University of Gorontalo. Advisor (1) Dr. RahmanTaufiqriantoDako, S.S., M.Hum (2) Jefriyanto Saud, S.Pd., M.A.
This study analyzed the forms and the meanings of simile and hyperbole in song lyrics of Evermore Album by Taylor Swift using semantic analysis. Simile is a kind of figurative language that supposes one thing and another thing by the use of the word "like" or "as." while hyperbole is a kind of figurative language that uses excessive language, sometime even unreasonable. This study was conducted using the qualitative method. In addition, the data was collected using the note-taking method by listening, reading, identifying, classifying, and analyzing the meaning of simile and hyperbole in Evermore Album. The data was analyzed based on Abrams's (1999) about types of figurative language and Claridge's (2011) theory about the form of hyperbole. The steps include preparing the data for analysis, reading and understanding the data, identifying, classifying the data, analyzing the meaning of the data and drawing conclusions. The result of data analysis showed that there were 25 data that are included in simile and 16 data found in 5 forms of hyperbole. They consist of 6 data single words hyperbole, 6 data of phrasal hyperbole, 1 clausal hyperbole, 1 comparison, and 2 repetitions. According to the data, hyperbole is the most frequently used types in this Album, especially single words hyperbole and phrasal hyperbole. Additionally, there are two forms of hyperbole that do not indicate in song lyrics of Evermore Album by Taylor Swift. Hence, this research is expected to be a source of information that can be used by future researchers to understand simile and hyperbole more deeply.
Keywords: simile and hyperbole, semantic analysis, Evermore Album
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