Penulis / NIM
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
MUZIATUN, S.Pd,M.App.Ling,PhD / 0004028201
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
Desmita Yadingo. 321418066. 2023. ��Ã..."English Learners Motivation and Shifting Schedule in New NormalÃ��ÂÂ. Skripsi. English Department. Faculty of Letter and Culture. State University of Gorontalo. Advisor (1) Muziatun, S.Pd., M. App. Ling, Ph.D (2) Magvirah El Walidayni Kau, S.Pd., M.Pd
Learning motivation plays an important role in the learning process, especially in difficult situations such as the new normal. This research aims to determine (1) how is students' motivation during learning English with the shifting schedule system in the new normal and (2) what motivational factors have influenced students the most when learning with that system. This study applied a qualitative approach by distributing questionnaires and conducting interviews with eighth-class students and English teachers at SMPN 1 Telaga Biru academic year 2022/2023, then used the theory of Miles and Huberman (1992) for the steps to analyze the data.
The results of this research showed that (1) students' motivation during the shifting schedule in the new normal is relatively high. This was proven by the nine motivational factors that have been analyzed; five factors were high: learning interest, learning enjoyment, the role of parents, the role of teacher, and praise. These five factors are high because the data from each factor shows that more than half of the participants answered that they agreed with the question. (2) The most influential motivational factors when shifting schedules are external factors, namely the role of the teacher and the role of parents. This is based on the results of intrinsic motivational data where the reason for interest and enjoying learning English is because of the teacher. Meanwhile, parents play a very important role in supporting student learning motivation especially in difficult situations such as the new normal.
Keyword : Learning Motivation, New Normal, Shifting Schedule.
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