Penulis / NIM
ARFAN DJ. IBRAHIM / 411408007
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Drs SUMARNO ISMAIL, M.Pd / 0029116204
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
Drs. MAJID, M.Pd / 0001026705
ARFAN DJ IBRAHIM. 2013, Thesis: Effect of Guided Discovery Approach Learning Outcomes Of Mathematics In Four Facet Material Build Flat (A study in SMP Negeri 2 Batudaa)
This study aimed to determine differences in student learning outcomes are taught with guided discovery learning method to the learning outcomes of students who are taught without a guided discovery approach to the material up flat. This research is an experimental study population was all students of class VII's in SMP Negeri 2 Batudaa numbered 70 people and distributed in 3 classes. Purfosif sampling technique using sampling, sample selected is VII1 class by the number of students learning 23 people be guided discovery approach (experimental class) and class 23 VII2 by the number of students learning the subject without a guided discovery approach (control class). Data were collected through achievement test instrument and analyzed by descriptive and inferential. Descriptive analysis through frequency distribution table with the average mempersentasikan and inferential analyzes performed by t-test to test the research hypothesis. Results of data analysis showed that the learning outcomes of students who are taught using guided discovery approach to higher learning outcomes than students who are taught without a guided discovery. These findings demonstrate that the guided discovery approach is superior in teaching students the material up flat compared to conventional learning.So it is suggested to teachers to use guided discovery method in teaching students on the mathematics that has characteristics such as flat material up.
Keywords: Guided Discovery Approach, Results Learning
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