Penulis / NIM
EVI ARIYANI / 411412061
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Prof. Dr. EVI HULUKATI, M.Pd / 0030056009
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
Dra KARTIN USMAN, M.Pd / 0021106305
Evi Ariyani. Student IDE. 411412061. Increasing students' Mathematics Communication Ability by using TTW type of cooperative learning on Pyramid and Upright Prirm topi cat grade VIII in SMP 3 Pitu Riase Sulawesi Selatan. Skripsi. Gorontalo. Department of Mathematics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of Gorontalo. 2016.
Principal supervisor is Prof.Dr.Evi Hulukati, M.Pd and Co-supervisor is Dra.Kartin Usman, M.Pd.
This is a classroom action research which is conducted to increase students' mathematics ability by using TTW type of cooperative learning on pyramid and Prism topi cat grade VIII in SMP 3 Pitu Riase Sulawesi Selatan. Result of preobservation by applying interviuw to students' mathematic communication ability still does not meet achievement criteria for 75%.
Finding reveals that in cycle I. Teacher's activity observation result achieves 75% student's activity result achieves 42,99%, while test of students' mathematics communication ability result achieves 40,91%. In cycle II, teacher's activity observation result increases to 80,20% students' activity result increases to 85,68%, while test of students' mathematics communication ability result increases 81,8%.
Based on the explanation, it can be concluded that learning activity is successful due to students having been able to increases their mathematics communication ability.
Keywords: Mathematics Communication Ability, TTW Model, Pyramid and Upright pri
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