Penulis / NIM
NURHAYATI / 421414030
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Drs. ASRI ARBIE, M.Si / 0017046302
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
ABD WAHIDIN NUAYI, S.Pd, M.Si / 0023018601
Abstrak Nurhayati. 2018. "Pengaruh Penerapan Penelitian ilmiah remaja dalam model pembelajaran cooperative tipe Group Investigation terhadap kerjasama peserta didik pada Pelajaran Fisika di kelas XI MIPA 9". Skripsi, Program Studi SI Pendidikan Fisika, Jurusan Fisika, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Dibimbing oleh Asri Arbie dan Abd. Wahidin Nuayi. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan penelitian ilmiah remaja dalam model pembelajaran group investigation terhadap kerjasama peserta didik pada pelajaran fisika, Penelitian dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri 3 Gorontalo yang populasinya adalah kelas XI MIPA dengan sampel yang diambil kelas XI MIPA 9, dengan menggunakan tehnik cluster sampling. Design penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian one group pretest-postest, nilai pretest dilihat sebelum diterapkannya penelitian ilmiah remaja, nilai postest dilihat sesudah diterapkannya penelitian ilmiah remaja. Data diambil menggunakan metode deskriptif pendekatan kuantutatif. Tehnik pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar observasi kerjasama, berupa instrumen observasi kerjasama yakni kesepakatan, mengakui konstribusi, berada dalam kelompok, berada dalam tugas, mendorong partisipasi, dan menghormati perbedaan individu. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan persentase skor kerjasama peserta didik sebelum dan sesudah diberi perlakuan memiliki perbedaan yakni sebelum diberi perlakuan mencapai skor 70,83% dan sesudah diberi perlakuan mendapat skor 100%, untuk uji N-gain diperoleh N-Gain sedang pada perbandingan pertemuan pertama dengan kedua yaitu diperoleh hasil N-Gain 0.3 < N-Gain < 0.7, serta pertemuan pertama dengan ketiga dan pertemuan pertama dengan keempat mendapat kategori tinggi karena diperoleh N-Gain adalah >0,7%. Berdasarkan hasil terdapat perbedaan antara kerjasama peserta didik sebelum dengan sesudah diberinya penerapan penelitian ilmiah remaja. Kata Kunci : Group Investigation, Kerjasama, Penelitian Ilmiah Remaja. Abstract Nurhayati.2018. "the influence on the implementation of scientific research on youth in Group Investigation type of Cooperative Learning toward the learnes' Cooperation in Physics Subject". Skripsi, Study Program of Bachelor of Physics Education, Department of Physics, Facualty of Mathematics and Natural Science, state University of Gorontalo. the Principal Supervisor is Dr. Asri Arbie, and The Co-supervior is Abd. Wahidin Nuayi. this study was aimed at investigating the implementation of scientific reserach on youth in group investigation type of cooperative learning toward the learners' cooperation in physics subject. This Study was carried out at SMA Negeri 3 Gorontalo. The population of this study is grade XI MIPA, and the sample was grade XI MIPA 9, by using the cluster sampling technique. The research design was one group pre-test post-test design. The pre-test score was obtained before the implementation of the scientific reserach on youth, whereas the post-test score was obtained after the implemetation of scientific reserachon youth. the data are collected using a descriptive method with a quantitaive approach. the data collection method was an observation sheet on coopertion. Several cooperation instruments used in this study were: agreement, acknowledging others contribution, existence within the group, participation in tasks at hand, encourage participation and respect toward individual differences. the findings and discussion in this study revealed that there was a difference between the learners' cooperation score before ant after the tretment. The pre-test score was 70,83% whereas the post-test score was 100%. The N-Gain was moderate, N-Gain< 0,3 N-gain 0,7%. Based on this finding it was clear that there was a difference in learners' cooperation before and after the implementation of scientific research on youth. keywords: group investigtion,cooperation, scientific research on youth
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