Penulis / NIM
YUL J. NTINA / 421415053
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Dr. MASRI KUDRAT UMAR, S.Pd, M.Pd / 0006087308
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
DEWI DIANA PARAMATA, S.Pd, M.Pd / 0006056807
Abstrak Yul J. Ntina. 2022. Pengaruh Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning Dengan Pendekatan Flipped Classroom Terhadap Hasil Belajar Materi Teori Kinetik Gas Siswa Madrasah Aliyah Anggrek. Skripsi, Program Studi SI Pendidikan Fisika, Jurusan Fisika Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Pembimbing 1 Dr. Masri Kudrat Umar, S.Pd, M.Pd dan Pembimbing II Dewi Diana Paramata, S.Pd, M.Pd Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh yang signifikan pada penerapan model pembelajaran problem based learning dengan pendekatan flipped classroom terhadap hasil belajar siswa materi teori kinetik gas. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan mnggunakan quasi eksperimen - One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI IPA Madrasah Aliyah Angrek, Kecamatan Monano Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara Provinsi Gorontalo. Sampel pada penelitian ini yakni satu kelas dan siswa yang diteliti berjumlah 14 orang kelas XI IPA. Instrumen pengunpulan data menggunakan tes essay yang berjumlah 10 nomor. Hipotesis dalam penelitiann ini berdasarkan uji hipotsis dan uji t. Dari hasil pengujian uji hipotesis didapatkan t_hitung=6.23 dan t_tabel=2.53, karena thitung > ttabel yaitu 6.23 > 2.53, maka Ho ditolak dan H1 diterima. Berdasarkan data tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan setelah menerapkan model problem based learning dengan pendekatan flipped classroom terhadap hasil belajar siswa materi teori kinetik gas. Kata kunci : Model Problem Based Learning, pendekatan Flipped Classroom, Hasil Belajar ABSTRACT Yul J. Ntina, 2022. â�Å"The effect of the implementation of problem-based learning model with the flipped classroom approach on students learning outcomes in the material of kinetic theory of gases at Madrasah Aliyah Anggrek�. Bachelor�s Degree Program in Physicsn Education, Departement of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Univeersitas Negeri Gorontalo. The Principal Supervisor is Dr. Masri Kudrat Umar, S.Pd. M.Pd., and the Co-supervisor is Dewi Diana Paramata, S.Pd., M.Pd. The research aimed to determine the significant effect of the implementation of the problem-based learning model with the flipped classroom approach on students�learning outcomes in the material of kinetic theory of gases. This was quantitative research using a quasi-experimental with One Group pretest-posttest design. The Madrasah Aliyah Anggrek, Monano Subdistrict, North Gorontalo Regency, Gorontalo Province. The research was all students of class XI IPA, with the students observed amounting to 14 students. At the same time, the data collection instrument used an essay test with a total of ten questions. The research hypothesis was based on hypothesis testing and t-test. The hypothesis testing obtained tcount of 6.23 and ttable of 2.53. The tcount was higher than ttable or 6.23 > 2.53, then H0 was rejected, and H1 was accepted. Hence, it can be concluded that there was a significant difference after the implementation of the problem-based learning model with the flipped classroom approach to students� learning outcomes in the material of kinetic theory of gases. Keywords: Problem-Based Learning Model, Flipped Classroom Approach, Learning Outcomes.
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