Penulis / NIM
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Prof. Dr. RAMLI UTINA, M.Pd. / 0004085507
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
Dr. MARINI SUSANTI HAMIDUN, S.Si, M.Si / 0004057006
ABSTRAK Ririn A. Makmur. 2014. Struktur Vegetasi Lamun (Seagrass) Di Kawasan Pesisir Desa Wisata Torosiaje Kecamatan Popayato Kabupaten Pohuwato. Skripsi. Jurusan Biologi. Fakultas Matematika Dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam. Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Pembimbing I, Prof. Dr. Ramli Utina, M.Pd dan Pembimbing II, Dr. Marini S. Hamidun. S.Si., M.Si. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Indeks Nilai Penting lamun (Seagrass) di kawasan pesisir Desa Wisata Torosiaje Kecamatan Popayato Kabupaten Pohuwato. Kegiatan penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Mei-Januari 2015. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian survey. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan line Intercept transek. Analisis data menggunakan analisis struktur vegetasi. Lokasi pengambilan sampel terdiri dari 2 stasiun. Setiap stasiun terdiri atas 2 transek, dan panjang setiap transek 100 meter yang terdiri dari 4 plot pengamatan denganukuran plot 20 x 20 meter. Pengukuran terhadap parameter fisik perairan, seperti kekeruhan, kedalaman, suhu, salinitas, dan tipe substrat. Hasil penelitian di temukan 2 spesies lamun yaitu Thalassia hemprichii dan Enhalus acoroides. Nilai kerapatan relatif tertinggi yaitu spesies Thalassia hemprichii dengan niali 0.97 dari keseluruhan stasiun. Untuk frekuensi relatif dari kedua spesies memiliki nilai yang sama yaitu 1%. Dari keseluruhan spesies Thalassia hemprichii memiliki nilai dominansi tertinggi sebesar 0,97 dibanding dengan spesies Enhalus acoroides. INP (Indeks Nilai Penting) tertinggi yang dimiliki oleh spesies Thalassia hemprichiiyaitu 2,43 sehingga Thalassia hemprichii merupakan speseies yang paling berperan dalam komunitas perairan Torosiaje yang tidak lain sangat di pengeruhi oleh faktor lingkungan. Indeks ordinasi terlihat memiliki posisi berjauhan yang disebabkan oleh faktor lingkungan di lihat dari kekeruhan/kedalaman, segi tipe substrat dan kadar salinitas yang berbeda, sehingga menunjukkan vegetasi komunitas yang berbeda berdasarkan kompisisi jenis dan kemelimpahannya. Kata kunci : Struktur Vegetasi, Padang Lamun, Nilai INP. ABSTRACT Ririn A. Makmur.2014. Structure of Seagrass Vegetation at Coastal Area of Torosiaje Tourist Village, Popayato Sub-district, Pohuwato District. Skripsi. Departement of Biology. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Gorontalo State University. The principal supervisor was Prof. Dr. Ramli Utina, M.Pd and the co-supervisor was Dr. Marini S. Hamidun, S.Si., M.Si. The study aimed at investigating the Importance Value Index of Seagrass at coastal area of Torosiaje tourist village, Popayato sub-district, Pohuwato district. The research was held from May - January, 2015. The method of research was quantitative descriptive research with the type of research was survey. The data were collected through line intercept transect. The data were analyzed through vegetation structure analysis. The samples comprised is two stations. There were of two transects in each and the length transect was 100 meters, comprised which of plot was four, with the plot size is 20 x 20 meters. As supporting data, it was conducted the measurement toward physical parameters of water, such as mudness, depth, temperature, salinity and substrate type. The research result found 2 specieses of seagrass namely Thalassia hemprichii and Enhalus acoroides. The highest relative density value of all station was on Thalassia hemprichii as 0,97. Meanwhile, the relative frequency value, for both species, was similar as 1%. From all species, Thalassia hemprichii had the highest dominant value as 0,97. It was higher than what Enhalus acoroides had. The highest Importance Value Index (INP) of Thalassia hemprichii as 2,43 made Thalassia hemprichii became the most dominant species in Torosiaje coastal area community in which it was affected by environment factors. The ordination index had distance position caused by environment factor that had been observed by different mudness/depth, substrate type and salinity level, so that it showed the different community vegetation based on type composition and its abundance. Keywords: Vegetation structure, Seagrass, Improtance Value Index
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