Penulis / NIM
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
Dr. JUSNA AHMAD, M.Si / 0006046210
I Wayan Sugiharta. 2017. Kandungan Logam Merkuri (Hg) pada Tumbuhan Teki (Cyperus elatus. L) di Bantaran Sungai Bone Kabupaten Bone Bolango Provinsi Gorontalo. Skripsi, Prodi Pendidikan Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan IPA, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Pembimbing I Dr. Novri Y. Kandowangko, M.P dan Pembimbing II Dr. Jusna Ahmad, M.Si.
Sungai Bone memiliki panjang 119,13 Km yang melintasi Kabupaten Bone Bolango dan Kota Gorontalo. Sungai Bone bermanfaat bagi kepentingan sosial dan ekonomi, kebutuhan pertanian, air bersih serta pariwisata. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kandungan logam merkuri (Hg) pada tumbuhan Teki (Cyperus elatus. L) di Bantaran Sungai Bone Kabupaten Bone Bolango Provinsi Gorontalo. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode jelajah dengan teknik pengambilan sampel secara bertujuan. Terdapat tiga Stasiun dan enam titik pengambilan sampel, setiap Stasiun terdapat dua titik yaitu setiap sisi Sungai yang ditumbuhi rumput teki. Stasiun I titik koordinat N 00030'20.7" - N 00030'23.2" dan E123015'17.2" - E 123015'17.6", Stasiun II titik koordinat N 00031'28.0" - N 00031'37.1" dan E 123008'06.3" - E 123007'58.5", Stasiun III titik koordinat N 00031'54.7" - N 00031'58.1" dan E 123004'34.0" - E 123004'35.1". Selanjutnya untuk mengetahui kandungan logam merkuri (Hg) pada tumbuhan teki digunakan rumus Berat logam/Berat tanaman. Analisis kandungan logam merkuri (Hg) dilakukan di Balai Pengendalian dan Pengujian Mutu Hasil Perikanan (BPPMHP) dengan menggunakan alat Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kandungan logam merkuri (Hg) pada tumbuhan Teki (Cyperus elatus. L) di Bantaran Sungai Bone Kabupaten Bone Bolango Provinsi Gorontalo berkisar antara 3,722 - 10,92 ppm.
Kata Kunci : Teki (Cyperus elatus. L), Merkuri (Hg), Sungai Bone.
I Wayan Sugiharta. 2017. Mercury Content in Cyperus elatus L. on the Banks of Bone River, Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo Province. Undergraduate Thesis, Study Program of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Principal Supervisor: Dr. Novri Y. Kandowangko, M.P. Co-supervisor: Dr. Jusna Ahmad, M.Si.
Bone river is 119.13 Km in length which flows through Bone Bolango Regency and Gorontalo City. This river serves many benefits in aspects, such as social and economy, agricultural, and tourism aspect; it is also the resources of clean water for people around the river. The goal of this present study is to determine the mercury content in Cyperus elatus L.on the banks of Bone River, Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo Province. This quantitative descriptive research employed a dicovery method and purposive sampling. The grass sample was collected from a number of three stations with two spots on each; these spots were located on the riverbank. Furthermore, the coordinate of each station is as follows: Station I N 00030'20.7" - N 00030'23.2" and E123015'17.2" - E123015'17.6", Station II N 00031'28.0" - N 00031'37.1" and E123008'06.3" - E123007'58.5", and Station III N 00031'54.7" - N 00031'58.1" and E123004'34.0" - E123004'35.1". A formula for measuring the weight of the plant and the metal content was used to find out the mercury content in the sample. This process was conducted at Center of Quality Control of Fisheries Product by using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer or AAS in short. The results reveal that the mercury content in Cyperus elatus L. Found on the riverbanks of Bone river is weighing around 3.722 to 10.92 ppm.
Keywords: Cyperus elatus L. Mercury, Bone river.
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